Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) is a manga that follows Eikichi Onizuka, an ex-gang member who becomes a teacher in a prestigious school, only to find himself in charge of a notoriously difficult class. His unorthodox personality and teaching methods challenge the conventional approach, gradually winning over the students who initially resist him. Onizuka’s mission is clear: to make school interesting and engaging for students who have little interest in traditional education.
The Struggles of Today’s Youth
This situation might not surprise anyone. If given the choice, many children would rather not go to school. The reasons vary, but a significant factor is the traditional teaching system. Onizuka recognizes that, to reach his students, he needs to break the mold and make learning more appealing. And he’s not alone in noticing that change is needed. In today’s world, global data reveals that between 70-85% of teens aged 13-15 own a mobile phone. This statistic speaks to a broader issue—the growing competition teachers face from addictive devices. Over 95% of young adults own smartphones, a trend that shows no sign of slowing down. This isn’t an argument for banning new technologies, but rather a reminder of how addiction to these devices can hinder real engagement.
A Call for Change in Education and Mindsets
“I’ll make school interesting,” says Onizuka. But can we, as a society, make the whole education system more engaging and relevant for today’s students? This is a time where change can happen rapidly, either for the better or for the worse. The future generations will inherit the world we leave behind, and it is our responsibility to shape that world for the better, whether we want to or not. The shift must go beyond just school and education—it must also address our mindsets. Global transformation begins with a widespread cultural shift where improving society and creating a better future becomes the new normal, just as Onizuka strives to make school enjoyable for his students.
The Mobile Phone Addiction Crisis
The use of mobile phones has become a prevalent habit over the last decade. In Japan, it’s not uncommon to see people riding their bicycles while glued to their phones! While this is especially dangerous, the deeper issue is the addiction to these devices. Children are often influenced by the behaviors of adults, and as long as adults fail to rethink their relationship with phones—and, by extension, social media—this vicious cycle will continue. It’s a societal issue that needs to be addressed on an individual level, starting with the adults who set examples for the younger generation.
Raising Awareness by Creating New Habits
As with any bad habit or addiction, the first step is acknowledgment. Recognizing the problem is often the hardest part: we can easily see flaws in others, but we’re usually blind to our own. This is why we must work together to help each other overcome these challenges. To create a better future for the next generation, we must first reflect on and address our own shortcomings. By developing new, healthier habits and raising awareness about the impact of technology addiction, we can start to break the cycle and pave the way for lasting change.
How do you think we can shift the mindset of both adults and children to reduce the impact of technology addiction on society? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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